To make sure you remove only the inessential caches, you should use clean-up software to be on the safer side. But, before clearing system or application caches, it is recommended to back up your Mac before you proceed. Yes, it is safe to clear Safari browser caches on your Mac. Also, you need to clear system or application caches when troubleshooting problems or when the storage drive free space is critically low.
So, it is advisable to remove inessential caches (such as browser caches, old system caches, and idle application caches) from your Mac regularly-a clean Mac is a quicker Mac.
How to clear cache and cookies on mac chrome pro#
What if you use MacBook Air or MacBook Pro with 128 GB or 256 GB of SSD storage space where you need a lot of free space? In such a case, caches waste your valuable SSD space, eventually degrade the SSD, and reduce the speed of your Mac. If you’ve never cleared caches, your Mac drive would be filled with gigabytes of unnecessary caches.